« Several years ago, I created a blog with the aim of sharing with the public my thoughts on a topic I am passionate about, disruptive innovation. I regularly express my point of view and share very enlightening experiences for all innovative companies.
Bénédicte Kibler has made me aware of the importance of SEO techniques and, more generally, she advises me on content writing and optimization, promotion and distribution on social media. It enables me to save precious time because she relieves me from all the technical constraints, different updates, tools configuration, changes in Google’s algorithm, social media, etc…
Content marketing methods, that are very important to Bénédicte, even partially implemented, have shown their effectiveness. Finally my blog has become my main marketing tool. It has been noticed by publishers who wish to publish a book on the topic and it gives me leads that have become customers. »
Benoit Sarazin
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